I spent the first 2 hours of today's working hours searching for help on the internet in respect of Window XP log-on password reset.
A colleague of mine, changed the log-on password on his laptop, unfortunately, after rebooting the laptop, the machine rejected the password that he input as being incorrect. He tried all the password he has ever used but none worked. As an engineer, he need to use his laptop and he cannot afford to give it out for reformatting.
It was a dilemma. But thank God for free information on the net. I got an article and after following the instructions, I was able to help him reset his password.
But then, I came across a lot of articles that showed me that no computer is really safe. If given ample time, a malicious cracker can gain entry. So, passwords are not sufficient, you need to restrict physical access to y0ur machine, and if you're not working, disconnect from the internet.
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7 years ago
Press F8.
Thanks. I already got the laptop fixed. I just wanted to share my experience.
Thanks. I already got the laptop fixed. I just wanted to share my experience.
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