I've been longing to share my thoughts on various subject with friends online. I never really consider using a blog until today.
Now I've made up my mind that it is time I start my own blog. It is time I put in writing the thoughts that flows through my mind each passing day. Halleluyah, it is the beginning of a new adventure.
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7 years ago
Hey, somebody shout halleluyah! Indeed it is getting better. I've added some new elements to my blog. For the first time, I have my picture pasted on the WWW. Whao, that is a giant leap for me. I've always felt better when I remain anonymous. Thanks to Daddy G.O. Pastor Adeboye, I got encouraged to post my picture when I thought of the fact that all over the place you can easily see his picture. So I told myself, boy if you don't have skeleton in your cupboard, there is no reason why you should be afraid to post your picture on the web. So, here we go. Another step forward.
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