Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Entrecard Tour Day 2

Like I promised in my post yesterday Goal - Visit 1,000 Entrecard members sites. I have started visiting and recording the Entrecard Member sites that I visited and dropped cards. The tour has been a tedious one because a greater percentage of the sites that I visited contained heavy multimedia contents that makes them load at snail speed.

Also, I discovered that many of the sites do not understand the importance of placing their Entrecard Widget high up on their site so that visitors can easily locate them. Some actually hid theirs in obscure places (mostly at the end of their homepage). A few that I visited do not even have widget on their site. I wonder how come the Entrecard team has not noticed this. I thought there is a way for them to detect automatically sites that are not featuring the Entrecard widget.

In conclusion, I must say that the goal of dropping 300 entrecards per day is a tall one. One must have a lot of idle time to accomplish it. So far I have visited 104 sites. You can see the result here. The tour will continue tomorrow!


agrantham81 said...

THere are several sites out there that tell you the easy way to visit 300 sites a day. I have done it the last 4 days. I have 2 kids under 3, run a business from home and am up to date with my housework. I wouldn't say I have idle time. I just know how to prioritise and multi-task. And as you can see I even stop and read some that strike me as interesting.

Good luck.